Cool hunting

There are over 12 billion web pages. And that excludes the deep web. Finding cool pages is hard, and there are web sites that help you out by aggregating other pages. Find a site with tastes like yours (or better, cooler than yours) and you have a great bookmark.

Cool hunting started out in 2003 as a collection design related web pages and posts and has grown into a well visited site with postings on fashion, art, and design. And threr are also posts on food. At Cool hunting art and design are seen as essential in food preparation and consumption and in communicating recipes. Recent posts include a well produced video, on how to make your own tofu or a contest for tickets to chef Anthony Bourdain’s No Reservations TV show.

Josh Rubin (the founder), Evan Orensten (definitely a foodie), and Ami Kealoha (foodie by birth) have a site that’s easy hunting for foodies.